Retired Cats
From time to time the cats in our cattery will, for a variety of reasons, be retired from our breeding program. This allows us to place them for adoption for their forever homes.
You may wonder why anyone would consider a retired breeding cat for adoption. Overall there are many reasons; the cost to adopt a young adult is marginally lower than the cost of a kitten and includes spay/neuter, current shots, and other health scans/checks.
The age for a retiree can range anywhere from 18 months to 5 years and have many more years of companionship to offer. With those kitten years behind them they offer a more mature personality.
Please email us if you would like more information on our retired cats.
Retired Not Available

RW Deepsouth Dixie of 4PawsRacing Is retired and currently living with us here at 4PawsRacing as a wellness companion and pet. She is a very smart and curious soul who loves to cuddle and hold a conversation with her humans. However her special talent is cleaning off countertops just to "help out" of course.